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2 min read

Everyone desires a great smile, but in most cases, professional help is needed to achieve that. Teeth misalignment is one of the dental problems that can affect your appearance, requiring you to see your cosmetic dentist in Orlando. If your teeth are slightly misaligned, your orthodontist may recommend clear aligners to improve your smile. They work just like traditional braces but are removable and not noticeable. For this reason, it is an option that most teenagers and adults resort to. Although clear aligners are usually safe, they are not an option for everyone. Here is what you need to know about clear aligners.

What Are Clear Aligners?

They are customized, removable orthodontic devices used to fix minor misalignment. Aligners are replaced every one to three weeks and worn for at least 22 hours each day. The entire set of aligners may take up to 10 months or more for your teeth to fall in place perfectly. Clear aligners are ideal for patients with mildly crowded teeth. Patients with severe misalignment may need an advanced treatment approach. When setting up treatment, specialists consider patients’ age since the growing and developing nature of children’s jaws can affect the results.

How Do Clear Aligners Work?

Clear aligners exert pressure on your teeth, causing small movements gradually, and aligning your teeth over time. Treatment with clear aligners is usually gentle since the change between each aligner is minimal. Small attachments cause the pressure that moves your jawbone. They are minor pressure points that your orthodontist bonds on your teeth during treatment. Attachments match your tooth color, and their placement depends on the movement you require. Your orthodontist will require you to have your aligners on at least 22 hours each day and remove them for a short time only when you need to eat, floss, and brush.

How Long Does Teeth Alignment Take With Clear Aligners?

Treatment time varies from patient to patient, depending on how much the teeth need to be moved. Someone whose bite is more off requires more time than the one whose bite is not so off. Treatment also takes longer if your teeth are more crooked. The average treatment time takes between 10 months to two years. However, adults whose teeth have shifted yet had braces in their childhood years may need aligners for as little as two and a half months.

Maintaining Clear Aligners

The following practices will help keep both your teeth and aligners in good shape during the treatment period:

  • Remove aligners when you eat or before taking any other drink besides plain water, including tea, fruit juice, and energy drink. Colored foods and beverages will stain your aligners and make them unsightly.
  • Do not clean your aligners with hot water since it is made of plastic which can distort due to high temperatures.
  • Brush and floss your teeth before wearing your aligners to avoid trapping food particles beneath the devices.

Do not let your teeth become a source of insecurity. Book a session with … Read More...

2 min read

A denture replaces your natural teeth and improves aesthetics. You need to take care of your denture like you take care of your natural teeth. But here is a catch – Denture requires much more than brushing. In this post, we will discuss how you can take care of your East Village dentures.

  1. Rinse your denture: Wash your denture under running water after every meal to remove food debris. Hold the denture firmly to avoid dropping it on the floor. You can place a towel in the basin area to prevent breakage even if it slips by mistake.
  1. Handle with care: While removing the denture from your mouth, handle it with care and do not bend the acrylic plate or metal wire(if present). 
  1. Clean your mouth: After removing the denture, clean your remaining natural teeth, tongue, and palate with a soft-bristled brush or gauze piece.
  1. Brush your denture daily-Soak your denture and brush your denture twice daily with a toothbrush and a denture cleansing agent. Don’t use the denture in your mouth.
  1. Soak dentures overnight: Most of the dentures require moisture. So soak your denture in water or a denture-soaking agent. Ask your dentist about the instructions for denture storage, as there are variations according to the denture material.
  1. Rinse: Rinse your denture again before putting it in the mouth because denture cleansers contain chemicals that may cause burns, vomiting, or pain if swallowed.
  1. Visit a dentist regularly: Your dentist will tell you the frequency of your visits for professional denture cleaning. 
  1. Take an appointment if the denture becomes loose-fitted: Loose dentures can lead to sores, irritation, or infection. So visit your dentist if you feel that the denture is becoming loose.

Things to avoid

  • Abrasive cleansers: Do not use cleaners that contain highly abrasive material. Avoid stiff-bristled brushes or strong cleansers.
  • Whitening toothpaste: Whitening toothpaste contains peroxide that may bring color changes to the denture.
  • Bleach-containing products: Do not put your denture in a solution containing a bleaching agent as it discolors your denture and makes it brittle.
  • Hot water: Don’t clean your denture with hot water.

Key takeaway

Dentures can not only make your smile beautiful, but they fulfill the functional purpose too. So follow these instructions to increase the life of your denture. Consult your dentist if you are feeling any discomfort with the denture. … Read More...

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