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What You Need to Know About Pelvic Pain

3 min read

Pelvic pain is a condition that limits you from taking part in your daily activities. Therefore, lowering your production because it leads to absenteeism at work. That is why if you are experiencing pelvic pain, you are encouraged to seek medical help as early as possible. Pelvic pain in South Charleston is managed by a team of specialists who diagnose and treat pelvic pain to enable you to resume your duties quickly.

When should you see a doctor for pelvic pain?

Each woman or individual usually experiences pelvic pain differently because some have a dull or constant ache while others experience intermittent and sharp bouts of pain. Generally, pelvic pain also shows up when carrying out certain activities like urination and sexual intercourse. This pain may also be a sign of an existing problem with the organs associated with urination or reproduction. Therefore, the care specialists recommend you to seek care, especially if you begin experiencing pelvic pain accompanied by fever, worsening menstrual cramps, bloating, unusual vaginal bleeding or spotting, burning urination, diarrhea or constipation, or bloody or cloudy urine. It is also essential to note that pelvic pain is not a condition to push through or ignore. The evaluations performed by your specialist help identify the cause and help identify the proper treatment for you to provide relief to your symptoms.

What are the possible causes of pelvic pain?

In most cases, pelvic pain in women may be due to normal menstruation or ovulation. However, it can also be associated with more serious issues like uterine fibroids, ovation cysts, urinary tract infection, endometriosis, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, or pelvic inflammatory disease. In other cases, pelvic pain can as well be a sign of ovarian or uterine cancer.

How is pelvic pain evaluated?

What you are expected to do is give a thorough history of your family, gynecological and medical history, together with a detailed description of your present symptoms, including their intensity, duration, and frequency.  Similarly, a pelvic examination is carried out to help detect any abnormalities like scar tissues or fibroids in your uterus. Additionally, you can also undergo urine and laboratory testing performed in the house to identify any signs of infection. Sexually transmitted infections are also screened.

The care provider may also perform an in-office ultrasound to help look for scar tissues, fibroids, or an ovarian cyst that might be the cause of your pain. But if your pain does not alleviate and the above evaluations do not identify the cause, a minimally invasive diagnostic procedure may be performed to possibly remove or look for endometriosis. Endometriosis is a condition that occurs when endometrial tissue that lines your uterus develops outside your uterus.

How is pelvic pain treated?

In most cases, the treatment option recommended by your care provider depends on the underlying cause of your pelvic pain. Therefore, if you got an infection, antibiotics are usually administered. In other cases, prescription medications, hormone treatments, or minimally invasive surgery may be the option for people with concerns like fibroids, cysts, or endometriosis.

Therefore, if you are experiencing pelvic pain, you do not have to tolerate it because various treatment options are available. You can call or visit Patel & Patel, MD, Inc today for more information.

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