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2 min read

Birth control methods have made it possible for couples and single women to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Planning for pregnancy is essential as babies come with significant financial expenses. Today, women have multiple options for hormonal and non-hormonal birth control methods, including oral contraceptives, condoms, implants, spermicides, and vaginal rings. Deciding on which way is best for you can be challenging. Consulting with Dr. David Afram may help you make the best decision while paying attention to factors such as cost, possible side effects, and your future pregnancy plans.

What is birth control?

Birth control involves different ways to prevent pregnancy from occurring until one is ready or desires to. Birth control methods fall under two major classes – hormonal and non-hormonal methods. Hormonal birth control methods such as the combined and progestin-only pill work by preventing ovulation. Non-hormonal methods such as using diaphragms prevent the sperms from getting to your uterus. Although hormonal methods can be effective and reliable, some women may opt for non-hormonal birth control methods due to:

  • Personal and religious beliefs.
  • Health problems.
  • Undesirable side effects such as mood swings, weight gain, and irregular bleeding.

Types of non-hormonal birth control methods


The diaphragm is among the barrier birth control methods that block the semen from getting to the uterus. It is 94% effective, meaning that only 12 out of 100 women using a diaphragm can get pregnant. It is shaped like a saucer and made of silicon. The first placement should be done with your healthcare provider and is best used with spermicide to increase its effectiveness. The diaphragm can be re-used for up to one year, making it cost-effective. On the downside, women who use a diaphragm are at risk of urinary tract infections.

Contraceptive sponge

A sponge is made out of foam which feels like your vaginal tissue. It works just like the diaphragm and cervical cap by preventing semen from getting to your womb. The differentiating factor between a sponge and a diaphragm is that the sponge already contains spermicide and can be bought without a doctor’s recommendation. Using the sponge during your menstrual cycle may irritate you. This birth control method is less effective in women who have had children before. You may discontinue its use whenever you want to get pregnant. A contraceptive sponge does not protect you from sexually transmitted diseases.

Intrauterine copper device

This is a T-shape plastic device that your doctor places inside your uterus. Its outer covering – copper, destroys the sperm, preventing them from fertilizing the egg. Although less effective than hormonal IUDs, it still prevents pregnancy more than 99% of the time. IUD is one of the most effective birth control methods and can last up to 10 years. Some women may experience cramping and bleeding in between periods after placing the IUD. Your doctor can help remove the device at any point when you decide to get pregnant.

Birth control methods protect against pregnancy but not sexually transmitted diseases or infections. Condoms are the … Read More...

2 min read

Albeit participating in sport is an effective way of keeping fit, it leaves you susceptible to injuries that need expert attention. Athletic activities come at a cost. It is little wonder that athletic activities contribute to some of the most common injuries. However, Houston sports medicine care is here to reduce your worries. Regardless of your type of injury, you can benefit from lasting relief from talented providers. Call to book your appointment or schedule online to keep enjoying your favorite sport.

Common Sports Injuries

When you participate in sports, you subject your body to injuries caused by collisions with other players or pieces of equipment, overuse of specific joints, and sudden movements that can contribute to torn tissue. Luckily, Dr. Bennett, who has a fellowship in sports medicine, treats patients suffering from a full range of sports injuries, some of which are more common than others. These are some examples:

  • Tennis elbow
  • Ankle sprains
  • Patellar dislocation
  • Rotator cuff tears in the shoulder
  • ACL tears in the knee
  • Hamstring strains

How Does Dr. Bennett Diagnose Sports Injuries?

When you have a sports injury, Dr. Bennett will conduct a physical examination of the affected area. He examines your range of motion, the source of your pain and other symptoms, and the magnitude of your pain. If he needs more information about your injury, he will order imaging tests, such as X-rays or MRIs, to determine the type of injury you have and the scope of the damage. These tests aid him in developing a treatment plan for your sports injury.

How Does Dr. Bennet Treat Sports Injuries?

Dr. Bennett is a sports medicine expert and orthopedic surgeon. He usually recommends surgery if all other options prove ineffective. Instead, he initially recommends nonsurgical forms of treatment for sports injuries to relieve symptoms. They include:

  • Wearing a brace if needed for stability and support
  • Avoiding activities that make the pain and other symptoms worse
  • Taking over-the-counter pain medicine
  • Applying ice to the affected area to relieve swelling
  • Doing physical therapy to build stronger muscles and increase your flexibility

What Surgery Methods Does Dr. Bennet Deliver for Sports Injuries?

When it comes to sports injuries, Dr. Bennett prefers to use less invasive surgical treatments wherever possible. Smaller incisions are necessary for these operations, such as shoulder arthroscopy, reducing the risk of infections, nerve damage, bleeding, and other problems. If you suffer a significant sports injury, Dr. Bennett may recommend an open operation, such as total knee replacement surgery. You should anticipate a longer recovery time before returning to sports if you get this sort of surgery.

Bottom Line

You do not have to be an active sportsman to encounter a sports injury. That said, having a proficient provider in your corner can come in handy whenever injuries develop. On the other hand, if you take part in sports, you know how essential it is to maintain your form even in the face of injuries. If you seek an outstanding provider to respond to your … Read More...

3 min read

Missing teeth can be a concern that may affect your confidence and self-esteem as it makes one feel less attractive. Therefore, if you have some missing teeth and want to replace them, dental implants may be your best option because they are aesthetically pleasing and very functional. That is why Burke dental implants are offered by a team of experts who provide you with state-of-the-art dental services to improve your overall health and restore your smile.

What Are Dental Implants?

Generally, dental implants refer to artificial tooth roots that your dental surgeon implants or embeds into your jawbone. They are mostly made up of titanium, a biocompatible substance that makes the implants fuse with your jawbone as you heal from surgery. Osseointegration is a process that makes your implant permanent. It also makes it an extremely durable replacement for your tooth roots. Not only does a dental implant replace your tooth structure below your gum line, but it also serves as an anchorage or support onto which the specialist can affix a bridge, crown, and denture using All-on-4 implants.

The health care team in the facility designs your restoration to ensure it fits you correctly into your smile, enables you to easily chew food, and supports a healthy bite. They also offer you an option to use porcelain for your restoration since it has your natural tooth enamel’s color and translucent character. Therefore, it fits or blends in aesthetically with the other teeth making your smile look more natural.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

Typically, dental implants provide a level of durability, stability, and comfort that cannot be matched with any other restoration option such as traditional dentures and bridges. The above qualities come about because implants usually fuse with your jawbone and become part and parcel of your oral structures. Since implants usually fuse to your jawbone, they, therefore, stimulate the jawbone. This stimulation is essential because it reduces the likelihood of bone loss and prevents resorption of your jaw, thus preserving the shape and appearance of your face. They also allow you to avoid the sunken-in appearance, which commonly occurs when one has missing teeth. Dental implants slogans the rest of your smile and prevent your neighboring teeth from moving from a place into the empty tooth socket.

Are You a Candidate for Dental Implants?

If you have an otherwise healthy smile, you are fit to be an excellent candidate for dental implants. Two additional factors that determine the success of your healthy dental implants are the tissues and gums left. You also need to have a significant amount of healthy bone tissue in your jaw to support your implant because most implants anchor into your jawbone. However, if you do not have enough bone tissue, the care providers can carry out a bone graft to increase your bone mass. Similarly, healthy gums are key for successful dental implants. Therefore, in case you are suffering from periodontal disease or gingivitis, you are advised to treat it … Read More...

3 min read

A herniated disc is a common condition mainly affecting patients between the age of 35-55, and hence it is primarily associated with aging. However, several other factors contribute to the complication, and it would be good to seek medical attention as soon as you suspect signs of the disease. Medical experts such as board-certified interventional pain management physician Justin Badiyan MD, of Spine & Joint Physicians of Frisco, can diagnose your condition and help you manage it effectively. Here are some ways you can find some relief from Herniated Disc Pain:

Try Home Remedies

Depending on the severity of your symptoms, your doctor may recommend some at-home care tips to alleviate your pain. Your doctor can ask you to rest for about two days to see if the pain improves by taking some pressure off your vertebrae. You can also be advised to try cold or heat therapy to find out which works best to minimize the inflammation on your back. Whichever works for you, be sure to follow your doctor’s directions carefully to avoid irritating your skin. Also, try to resume activities gradually if you begin experiencing relief.

Try OTC Medications

Mild and moderate pain can be relieved through some over-the-counter medications. However, it would be good to have your doctor evaluate your condition to clear any urgent need for advanced treatment. You can buy some naproxen, aspirin, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen from the pharmacy or nearest stores and follow your pharmacist’s directions and read the instructions on the label carefully.

Consider Muscle Relaxers

Many patients report muscle spasms when enduring herniated discs, which heightens the nerve pain. You can talk to your doctor about any muscle spasms you might be experiencing, and your provider will probably prescribe some muscle relaxers to ease your discomfort. However, be aware of the side effects of the muscle relaxers, such as dizziness and drowsiness. Also, it would be best to take the muscle relaxers strictly as directed by your doctor.

Consider Epidural Injections

If your pain persists despite using oral medications, you might benefit from epidural injections. Discuss it with your doctor, particularly if the pain persists for over six weeks, as it might help you get some pain relief. Your doctor will inject some corticosteroid around your spinal nerves guided by an ultrasound to precisely place the injection. You might experience immediate pain relief following your injection, and also, the muscle spasms from the herniated disc may cease immediately.

Physical Therapy

You can talk to your doctor about physical therapy to learn how to minimize your pain if it persists despite you taking medications. You might also benefit from some exercises alongside taking the medicines to increase the effectiveness of your treatment. Your physical therapist can focus your activities on building your core and back strength which is critical when dealing with a herniated disc.

Surgery Can be an Option

If all the conservative treatments for herniated discs do not provide pain relief, surgery can be your best option to get … Read More...

2 min read

Endometriosis is a condition that affects most women. The disorder occurs when tissue similar to the uterus lining grows outside the uterine cavity. Each case is different depending on the patient. The endometrial tissue may grow on your bowel, ovaries, and the tissues lining your pelvis in some cases. The condition is usually associated with a painful experience, so it is always advisable to see a specialist doctor when you have this disorder. An excellent place to start is University Reproductive Associates, where you can have one-on-one interactions with Dr. Michael Cho M.D., on your treatment options.

What Are Some of the Possible Causes?

The possible cause for endometriosis is not known yet. However, specialists have derived several possible theories to explain how the condition happens. Highlighted below are some of the possible causes of the condition:

  • Embryonic cell transformation.
  • Surgical scar implantation.
  • Retrograde menstruation.
  • Endometrial cell transport.
  • Immune system disorder.
  • Transformation of peritoneal cells.

All these are possible theories of what may be causing your endometriosis condition. It is recommended to see an expert to diagnose your condition and administer the necessary treatment. Your doctor will likely administer treatment depending on the possible cause of the condition.

Which Symptoms Should You Not Ignore?

Doctors and patients alike often brush off the symptoms of endometriosis. However, it is advisable not to ignore some of the symptoms that may present themselves. Some of the symptoms that you should not ignore include:

  • Painful periods
  • Painful sex
  • Heavy periods
  • Nausea and fatigue
  • Infertility
  • Discomfort with bowel movement

It would be best if you watched out for these symptoms and did not ignore them. This is because they might be a signal of an underlying issue that requires urgent medical attention. If your wound is not treated in time, it will likely never heal throughout your reproductive life.

What Are the Stages of Endometriosis?

Endometriosis has four main stages evolving from mild to severe. The stages are as follows:

·       Minimal- At this stage, the condition is mired by small lesions and endometrial implants on the ovary.

·       Mild- You will likely have light lesions and shallow implants along the pelvic lining and on the ovary at this stage.

·       Moderate- This stage involves deep implants surrounding your pelvic lining and ovary. More lesions will also be visible at this stage.

·       Severe- This stage of the condition involves deep implants on both your pelvic lining and ovaries. You may also have lesions on the bowels and fallopian tubes.

Your doctor is likely to assess the stage of your condition before suggesting treatment.

Contact an Endometriosis Specialist Today

 Endometriosis is a condition that most women relate to painful ordeals. The pain can be mild at times, and other times it can be severe depending on your condition. You are also likely to develop fertility problems if the condition is not treated early enough since it will interfere with your reproductive system. Therefore, it is … Read More...

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